Daily Archives: September 16, 2017

Prose Worth Savoring

Tar BabyFog came to that place in wisps sometimes, like the hair of maiden aunts.  Hair so thin and pale it went unnoticed until masses of it gathered around the house and threw back one’s own reflection from the windows.  The sixty-four bulbs in the dining room chandelier were no more than a rhinestone clip in the hair of the maiden aunts.  The gray of it, the soil and swirl of it, was right in the room, moistening the table linen and clouding the wine.  Salt crystals clung to each other.  Oysters uncurled their fringes and sank to the bottom of the tureen.  Patience was difficult to come by in that fuzzy caul and breathing harder still.  It was then that the word “island” had meaning.

Somehow, though I’ve read almost all of Toni Morrison’s novels, I had missed Tar Baby, one of her earlier books.  Though I didn’t connect with this one the way that I did with Song of Solomon, Paradise, and Home, prose like this is something special.

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Posted by on September 16, 2017 in Novels